Saturday 26 February 2011

Hourglass User Friendly Web Trends

Navigation, Typography, Web Design, Color Theory, User Friendly

Hourglass looks at various categories of websites and how they can be created with the user in mind. There are many beautiful designs on the web, but sometimes they can be difficult for the average person to navigate and find the information they need. I poll typical web users in various subjects to find out what they look for in a particular kind of site, then I analyze the websites to see how well they match with their target audience. At the end of each post, I suggest key points for web designers to keep in mind that were learned during the exercise. I post weekly articles.

While there are many excellent sites for both the design and technical aspects of web development, there aren't as many blogs concerned with the users. After over ten years as a web designer, I have heard growing rumblings from average visitors that the typical website is difficult to navigate and read— text is too small or key information is left out.

Hourglass was created to give a voice to the concerns of web users and track how well designers have responded. I have also recently begun a series of articles on how color is used online, although still with an emphasis on user friendly uses.

View the original article here

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